Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Davis - 3 months

You've been with us for three months. Technically, 12. A whole year. That surprised/happy/anxious/holy sh*t feeling that hit me the moment that little + sign showed up still hasn't left. We have our routines now and we can't imagine life without you, but I'm still grasping that I'm a mom. I'm a mom. I have to take a deep breath every time I think/say/write that.

These pictures were taken in our living room in our new house. We finally moved in on August 29, just a few days after your two month birthday. The rug you are laying on is the one mommy and daddy stood on when they got married last year. Our anniversary was one of many events this past month.

You gained a new nickname this month - lollipop, 'cause you're tall and skinny with a big ol' head.

We think your eyes are going to end up blue like daddy's. I think you are also going to have your daddy's energy and strength. You don't like to sit still much. When we're walking you like to face out and absorb the world around you. You want to stand all the time (with us holding you up, of course). Your little legs and arms seem so strong for how small they are.

As I said above, we moved into Norcross when you were nine weeks old. We survived our first sickness together (mama had a pretty serious cold) and you started sleeping in your real crib in your nursery.

At ten weeks you finally started playing with toys. Over the course of the month you went from punching and staring at your toys to grabbing them and putting them in your mouth. Though toys are not required - you also love to shove your fingers/fist in your mouth any chance you get. And you are drooling like crazy! We have to keep a drool bib on you at all times or you'll soak through your clothes in a matter of minutes.

At eleven weeks Aunt Genna came to visit. Aunt Genna has a very animated face and voice - you loved staring at her while she spoke and babbling with her. Your babbling went from the occasional grunt and coo to all out conversation this month. Your favorite time to babble is just after your first morning feeding. You sit on my lap, stare into my eyes, smile, laugh, and babble as long as I'll let you.

At twelve weeks Aunt Jill and cousin Olivia came to visit. Neither one of them could get enough of you. Olivia especially loved reading to you and playing with you.

Around twelve weeks is also when you rolled from your back to your tummy for the first time. It made me nervous because you did it in your crib while you were swaddled. Now we're working on getting you to sleep out of a swaddle.

At thirteen weeks/three months mommy spent her first night away from you. She spent a night in Atlanta with some of her girlfriends. We all did great!

Sleep. You're doing pretty well. Your scheduled hasn't changed too much - just shifted an hour earlier. You eat some time between 3 and 5 am, and then about every 3 hours after that until you go to bed at 7. You've gone many nights straight until your feeding time (one night you even made it until 6 am!), but you have started a bad habit of waking and demanding your pacifier around 1 am. We're hoping you'll be able to soothe yourself back to sleep when this happens and you are out of the swaddle. We'll see! Naps aren't as routine as feedings. You nap frequently, but your nap schedule is not predictable.

This is my last month at home with you. I'm trying to enjoy every moment with you - even the moments where I'm exhausted, your crying, and we're both covered in spit up.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Norcross Now

It felt like it might never happen, but we finally moved into Norcross. On August 29, 2015 there was still a long list of things that needed to be done to the house, but we couldn't wait any longer. The date was pushed back five (five!) times.

We shared some before photos of the house way back in June 2014. Then, we shared the plans in February 2015. Now, finally, here are the after renovation shots. We like old stuff and tried to keep the spirit of the original house wherever possible. 

Front of house - porch and sidewalk added, new windows and paint, lots of landscaping to be done!
View of street from front porch - Restoration Hardware light fixture scored on Craigslist

View immediately upon entering house - notice view straight through to backyard
Original living room - floors refinished, new paint and trim, fireplace surround to be redone in the future

Other side of living room/entry
Office - Hardwood floor added, new paint and light fixture
Front hallway - Double-door laundry closet converted to single-door closet with air intake vent
Front bathroom - window removed for addition, new floor and shower tile, new tub, toilet, and light
Guest bedroom - window removed for addition, floor refinished, new paint and light fixture
Other side of guest bedroom
Nursery - floor refinished, new paint and light fixture
Other side of nursery
Entrance into kitchen/dining/great room
Kitchen & Dining Room - Merged original kitchen and dining area into kitchen, added dining area 
Pantry - all new
New Laundry Room - Used washer and dryer scored from traveling friends!
New Half Bathroom - Loving the black penny hex tile with charcoal grout
Additional view of half bath
View from other side of new great room - our vision of a light-filled airy room was achieved!

New Master Bedroom - fireplace and door to back porch

View from other side of master bedroom - privacy wall added since room is off main area
(picture missing - master walk-through closet)

New Master Bathroom - A work in progress on moving day
Master bathroom - massive double shower
Another view of the master bathroom
Back porch - This photo was taken about a week before we moved in. The beams and railings were painted white. The floor was stained after we moved in.
Another view of the porch