Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wallpaper Party

The wallpaper party contained so much excitement I couldn't get it all into one post. If you haven't already, read part one here.

After finishing up in the kitchen we moved on to the dining room.

The stripes in all their glory:

Dining room before (Realtor photo)

After stripping the stripes we quickly discovered the wallpaper was glued directly to the drywall. No primer, nothing. Ugh. It was definitely tougher to remove than in the kitchen but we adjusted our approach and knocked it out. Instead of scraping the adhesive layer (this damaged the drywall) we heated the "juice" and allowed it to thoroughly soak in before attempting to peel it away in large strips. We shouldn't have jumped the gun and scored before we stripped (hehe). The scoring marks made some of the adhesive layer a little more difficult to remove.



Bathroom stripping next.

1 comment:

  1. My dad commented this weekend that he liked the "distressed look" of the dining room. He said, "people pay big bucks to make their rooms look like this... It is like the inside of an Italian castle!"
