Thursday, February 27, 2014

Elephant Seals

Each year, Alex and I take a May-cation. Last year's trip was a road trip in California. We started in San Francisco, drove South down the coast, turned East around Cambria, went to Sequoia National Forest, up to Yosemite, North to Sonoma, Napa, and Point Reyes, then ended back in San Francisco. We did almost no planning (we were still planning accommodations while on the road...) so we came across many wonderful surprises - like the elephant seals!

The California May-cation was our best trip together so far. I thought a picture from this trip would be a nice addition to our memory-filled walls. I just ordered a 2'x3' print that I imagine will look something like this once framed:

I started this project thinking this picture would end up over the couch in the living room. The blues and greys match nicely with the rest of the room and the yellow highlights play on the yellow dashes in our connecting dining room. However, I worry it's not quite big enough for the space. I don't think I have the scale right in this mock-up:

Another option is above our bed. I'm not sure this is the right spot either. The trip was romantic but the elephant seals are not...

We're planning to paint the downstairs den this weekend. Maybe it will make it's home down there. Any votes?

A note on the pillow cases, Alex's side of the bed is closest to the door and mine is on the window side. I have the "his" pillow because I'm his, and he's mine. (geeky smile)

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