Thursday, July 10, 2014

That's batty!

Last spring Alex ventured into the attic to figure out what was preventing our whole-house fan from opening. His head and shoulders were just barely in the attic when I heard a high-pitched yelp and he jumped down. He saw a bat. He described it as a very large bat with a pig nose that slowly turned its head to stare at him.

The bat must have liked her little habitat because she invited some friends to join her. This spring we heard what sounded like baby bats moving around and squeaking. We also saw bat guano and other drippings on the front of our house near the attic vent. Our guess was our little friend had a few babies. Alex insisted that we couldn't do anything about the bat and her babies until September. If we removed the bat from the attic now her babies would die.

So, we did nothing.

Tonight, Alex decided to sit out front at dusk and wait for the bats to fly out. He expecting to see one or two bats. I thought he was being silly.

About 40 minutes into his bat watching he called me out to see a little bat flying above our house. We weren't sure where it came from but thought it was cute. Then, suddenly, I saw a big bat fly out of our attic. Then I heard the clicking of another bat climbing up the vent to fly out - and it did. And another. And another. And another. 25 in total. 25 BATS!! The babies probably aren't flying yet so who knows how many more are up there. We love sharing our home with others, but I'm not sure how I feel about this bat situation.

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