Saturday, February 21, 2015

All in a yearI

On February 9, 2014 we hiked up Crowder's Mountain to Kings Pinnacle. It was a warm, sunny perfect kind of day. When we reached the top, Alex told me I was the love of his life and asked me to marry him. The picture above was taken on February 8, 2015. A similar warm, sunny perfect kind of day on a mountain, but with a year's worth of memories added. And it was a full year!

Shortly after getting engaged, we both started new jobs within our same organizations.

We took an adventurous road trip around Puerto Rico for our annual Maycation.

In June, we closed on our soon-to-be dream house.

We were married in September.

And in October found out we were pregnant!

In between these adventures, we had lots of opportunities to spend time with friends and family. Some of these memories include Easter and Thanksgiving at Alex's mom's house in Maryland, a few visits to my sister's place in South Carolina, hosting a houseful for our engagement party, taking an annual friend's trip to Lake Jocassee, and visiting the extended Fitzpatrick and Griswold families in Minnesota and Wisconsin over Christmas.

On more somber note, I traveled to Connecticut in November for my grandfather's passing. He lived a long life (he was 94!) and the family used the opportunity to celebrate his life by spending time with each other. It was the first time since 2008 that all six of the Rittenhouse siblings were together.

The next year promises to be just as full as the last. We have a lot to do to prepare for our little man's arrival in June, the biggest item being completing our family home. More about that soon.

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