Thursday, February 14, 2013

Painting the Bedroom

January 27-29, 2013:

The bedroom was this strange pinkish color when we moved in.  It didn't make sense to move everything in there when we knew we had to paint soon anyways.  So we stayed the first few nights in the guest room..  Porpoise was the color we chose (which is a shade of grey...).  Choosing paints reminded me of this clip from Lost In Translation:  Well ok, I didn't find the clip, but it is when Bill Murray's character opens a package his wife sent him with 20 carpet samples that are all a maroon/burgundy color.   He scatters them on the floor and studies them for a second.  Then he reads a note that says: "tell me what you think of the burgundy".  He says to himself something along the lines of "They are all burgundy."  Haha.

The color looks great in the bedroom, and we have it mostly set up the way we want.

And here is the finished paint job:

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