Saturday, August 31, 2013

I Love Flowers

Homeownership has changed me.  I never thought I would say this: but I.  LOVE.  FLOWERS.

First we had the Daffodils - emerging in mid-February, then the pink and white azaleas exploded in the front and back garden, followed by these cool purple flowers, then red ones on the back.  (Check out my early post about flowers in March, 2013: When I thought it was through, a flower blossomed giant white snowball like flowers in the front, red Gerber Daisies shot up on the side of the house, and meanwhile, the peach colored irises crept up in the back.  As they began to wilt the roses bloomed, and as they began to wilt, white and pink flowers shot up from what we thought to be an empty flowerbed.  In late may a 10 foot probe began to shoot out of the yucca plant, and it bloomed right as Talla and I returned from our California vacation (we saw many Yucca plants out there.  In the low lying regions they were past bloom, and in the higher altitudes they were just blossoming).  Before the last flower dropped from the yucca, the first orange day lillies started to bloom on the side of the house.  No sooner did I think they had all finished, but sure enough the Hastas blossomed, followed by lots the Crepe Myrtle Tree blossoming red bunches of berry like flower clusters.  At the same time some black-eyed susans popped up and the border shrubs have blossomed purple flowers.  It is amazing! I never realized just how magical the transformation of a garden could be.

Late summer Day-lillies

Spring azaleas in full bloom in back yard

Azeleas, monkey grass, border lillies, and irises emerging.

Hostas popping up

Flowers emerging in front

Front of house in mid-spring

Azelea next to driveway

Front of house in spring

Irises in full bloom

Flowers popping up in late summer

Daisies on side of house
Gerber Daisey

Next year, what I might do is set up one of those cameras that takes a picture every 10 minutes, and at the end turns it into a movie.  I think that would reveal the magic of my garden. (Since I am posting this on 3/1/2014, I think I am going to have to get rolling on this ASAP)

Talla laughed at me in April, when I started picking some of the Daisies for her.  Now she can't help herself.  She loves going out in the garden and clipping some of the latest blossoms.

This garden has been masterfully archictected.  As it turns out, Talla and I discovered from our neighbors that Barbara (the woman who lived here before us) would spend just about every day out in the garden.  We don't nearly have the time for that, but I think that she set it up in a way that it needs minimal maintenance.  Just weeding and the occasional watering.  I just hope that I don't mess anything up!

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