Saturday, April 5, 2014

Talla's Black Thumb

Have you ever heard the term: "A green thumb"?  In case you have not, it means that you are good at gardening, or you have a way of making things grow.  Well... Talla has the opposite of that.

This week, I was in Austin and Dallas from Tuesday morning to Friday afternoon.  When I returned, the vegetables that I had been nurturing looked significantly different.

What my plants looked like before I left:
What they looked like when I returned yesterday:

Hopefully I can nurse them back to life, but more than likely, we are going to have to wait until October to get our tomatoes again.

Also, the English Ivy in front of the house has seen better days.

Spring, 2013: 
 As you can see, the Ivy is lush and green.

This is about the same time a year later.  You remember all that lush green ivy?  It's all dead now.  Not really sure what happened...  
Another picture of post ivy apocalypse.   You can see the white azalea about to bloom.

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