Monday, March 31, 2014


Before I start decorating any room I roam the internet for inspiration photos. Once I get a clear vision I rarely revisit the inspiration photos. It's fun to compare my current results with what I was thinking about over a year ago.

Dining room: I loved the light airiness, splashes of red and aqua, and eclectic choices these dining rooms. Similarities in my dining room include - red chairs, random glass bottles, plates on the wall, aqua accents, and lots of sunlight. I was originally planning to incorporate some stripes and armchairs but they didn't make the cut.

Bathroom: I was at first perplexed about how to work with the blue tile. I found a few inspiration photos using lime green, coral, yellow and orange as accent colors, but ultimately decided to keep it simple and go with white and grey.

Office: We haven't really done anything to our office since moving in other than an initial arrangement of available furniture. I'm hoping it will look like a combination of these inspiration rooms sometime soon.
Here is a peek of what the office looks like now (this pic is from March 2013):

I'm looking forward to getting our office, basement, and kitchen looking more like our inspiration rooms!

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