Sunday, March 30, 2014

Blue Bathroom

I was excited to move in with Alex but also a bit nervous - I like my own space and enjoyed living alone. Maybe it's because I grew up with so many siblings. Luckily, Sheridan has plenty of space and I was able to claim a bathroom as "mine" and repurpose one of the bedrooms into my closet. This left Alex the master bathroom and closet.

My bathroom started out looking pretty out-dated. We spent a weekend removing wallpaper and lots of chrome accents. The result is a much more pleasant and spa-like bathroom.

Other updates included:
  • removing the blinds and frosting the bottom window using this technique
  • re-caulking the seams between the tiles and walls
  • painting!
  • replacing the mirrored doors with a double shower curtain
  • creating custom canvas art using a photo I took

My mornings are usually pretty rushed so I really appreciate any calm moment I can get. Alex often surprises me with a latte to help coax me out of bed (he's amazing, right?). I like to sip it in the shower - but you'll notice I had to add a clock so I don't linger too long in the warm water.

There are a still a few things left on the list to do before the room is officially complete:
  • wall repairs (if you look closely at the photos above you'll see what I'm referring to)
  • complete caulking
  • update light fixture
  • do something with the mirror (frame it or replace it?)

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