Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Living Room Update

Remember our list of living room projects? We crossed a big one of the list this past weekend - we finally have something hanging on the big empty wall behind the couch! And we love it.

After our Christmas tree was gone I decided it was time to transition the living room from a transition state to a more complete state. My initial ideas were captured on this mood board.

The topographic U.S. wall map in the picture is from School House Electric. I had it in my online shopping cart ready to buy but paused. I wasn't quite sure it was just right.

Fast forward to this weekend and boom - we found the same map mounted on foamboard and already framed. The only problem was it was behind cracked glass.

After carrying it home, Alex carefully took apart the frame so that we could remove the glass. A quick wipe down and it looked brand new. This is by far the easiest and quickest home improvement we've made so far.

We paid about $35 for the framed map. If we would have went with my original plan it probably would have cost us $200+ ($52 + shipping and a custom frame job). Saving $$ is almost as exciting as having this map in our living room.

If you look closely at the picture above you'll notice our seedlings in the window and Tad near the bottom. I'm sure Alex will update you on the seedlings soon. As for Tad, he was laying in the sun and finally posed for some pictures! Now you can see his handsome face.

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