Saturday, March 22, 2014

More vegetables please!

Last February, Talla and I talked about growing some vegetables in a space somewhere in the back yard.  With the other projects in the house, we didn't get anything in the ground until early April, and most things didn't get planted until early May.  Since it was a little late, there wasn't a whole lot of planning on the layout of the garden, and we just kind of put them in rows... transplanting when things got over crowded.

April 12th, 2013 - I started digging for the patch of earth that would become our garden.  This is directly outside the kitchen window about 10 feet from the house.  It is one of the best spots for sun in our back yard in the summer.  I transplanted the sod I dug up to a bare spot in front of the shed.

 June 7th, 2013 - By June, most successful gardeners in Charlotte have 3ft tomato plants with green tomatoes on them.  Well... ours were just sprouting, along with the yellow squash and okra.  The peas were well along though, producing a few handfuls of peas.  This was me picking some peas in the rain.

July 21st, 2013 - As you can see, we got A LOT of rain last summer, and our garden didn't drain very well.  The okra produced well, and out of the 4 plants, we ended up getting enough okra for a few dinner and breakfast side dishes throughout the fall.

Lessons learned:
  1. Start earlier
  2. Fix the garden area so it can drain properly
  3. Figure out the proper layout of plants.
March 14th, 2014 (Pie Day) - Here is the jump start on this year's garden.  They are in egg cartons on a table in the sunny spot between two windows in our living room.  This year we have: sugar snap peas, okra, pole beans, ozark pink tomatoes, lemon basil, parsley, cilantro, cucumber, sweet peppers, zucchini, and yellow squash.

 March 19th, 2014 - Something tells me we are going to have a much better output this year.  The sugar snap peas are thriving!  (They are the ones in the picture with the stringy vines reaching out from them.  We are going to have to transplant soon, but with another arctic cold snap headed our way on Wednesday (3/26), I don't think we will get anything in the ground until next weekend.

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