Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tigers and Pandas

"The tiger in you says go go go and the panda in you says slow down, relax, enjoy. Which one is dominant in you right now? Set your intention to bring out the other." Alex and I heard this in a yoga class some time near the end of 2012. After class we laughed about how Alex is the tiger in our relationship and I'm the panda. We bring the opposite out in each other and this is one of the many reasons we work.

2012 was a great panda year for me. I took the year off and traveled the world. When I got back I spent loads of time with friends and family and with Alex in New York. It was wonderful. I took the year off because I felt I needed a break. I needed to learn how to just BE. I didn't have a particularly tough life leading up to 2012, I just let my inner tiger run the show and it was time for my panda to take the lead. By the end of 2012 I realized neither should be in charge, they need to co-lead.

Around this same time Alex was visiting his mother's home and sent me this picture of a balance she has on her entryway table.

He said she keeps this in such a prominent place in her home as a reminder to seek balance. I found this inspiring, especially in light of the tiger/panda reflections, and set BALANCE as my 2013 theme.

I prepared this next picture for the blog in January 2013 but it never made it up. It seems I quickly got wrapped up in the new job and forgot about my quest for balance...

It's kind of hard to tell, but Alex is wearing a tiger hat and I am wearing a panda hat. We snapped this photo during an "Ultimate NYC Christmas tour" when Alex was still living in New York.

I did not achieve balance in 2013. I probably never will. But I won't stop trying.

A couple of weeks ago Alex and I received a package in the mail. It was his mom's balance. She sent it to congratulate us on our engagement and to remind us to stay balanced. It was such a nice reminder (to stay balanced and to finally publish this long overdue post!). It now has a prominent place in our home.

1 comment:

  1. Love! So glad you like it! Check your blog almost every day, but just figured out how to comment!
