Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thankful for casserole.

My first post in almost a year!

Three years ago my outdoorsy friends started a tradition of doing a Friends-Giving potluck dinner right around Thankgiving. This particular group of friends always finds a way to make things more interesting. After exchanging 99 emails (literally!) we decided the 2013 Friends-Giving should include a casserole only dinner, except for the deep fried turkey, followed by big wheel races. Good times were had by all and it was a nice reminder to give thanks for awesome friends.

Given the success of casserole Friends-giving, Alex and I were not surprised to find a note of thanks for casseroles on our dining room chalkboard after leaving Sheridan in the hands of our friends for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Tim (our former house mate and friend included in group described above), his sister Ginny, his brother-in-law Ken, and their puppy Miles spent the Thanksgiving holiday at Sheridan. Our Canadian friends Jacob and Stephanie joined them for the holiday feast. Alex and I were in Baltimore with Alex's family. We were happy friends enjoyed the house and Tad was happy to have a playmate for a few days.

We're not sure what some of the other items on the chalkboard refered to, and we're not sure we want to! I wonder if they predicted Alex would be bringing home a T.V. when they included television on that list...

A little bit of background on the chalkboard. My last apartment had a large chalkboard painted onto the kitchen wall. I loved it. I would always write excerpts from books I was reading and around Thanksgiving I would include a long list of things I was thankful for.

I missed my chalkboard and our dining room walls were feeling a little empty so I decided to create a chalkboard for Sheridan. I found an old picture at an antique store in town and talked the guy into selling it to me for less than $20. I cleaned it up, spray painted the frame aqua, then rolled a few coats of chalkboard paint onto the glass. Super easy project. 

Since this chalkboard is part of the dining room, here's an update on the dining room. A more complete update coming soon!


And now you know why I'm thankful for casserole.

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