Friday, February 15, 2013

January 29th

Me: "Hey Tim, do you want to come over and have a beer/check out the new place?"
Tim: "Hell yeah!"

Tim came over and had a beer... Then he helped me:

- Move a bookshelf from upstairs to the basement
- Re-organize the storage room
- Get a car load of stuff from Talla's place
- Arrange the Living room
- Set up the bedroom

Me: "So uhh... Come over for a beer.. same time next week?"
Tim:  "Uhhhh... maybe at my place"

(Thanks Man!)

Here is us setting up the bed.... We got it put together in no time.

The next day I snapped a picture of the living room with the natural sunlight pouring in:
Unfortunately, I do not have a before picture, but the room looked like a furniture storage room before Tim came over.

1 comment:

  1. It looks great! I love how much light pours into your living room.
