Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Leaving New York

Jan. 25, 2013 - It was 11 degrees and windy on a Friday afternoon when I began packing my car to move from New York.  Originally, I had planned to leave in the evening - arriving in Baltimore by midnight, and then heading the rest of the way to Charlotte on Saturday.  It never works out the way you plan, and I had to take off work early on Friday to get out by 2.  An impending snowstorm was dropping snow and ice up I-95 (My intended route), and it was going to strike NYC at 5PM.  Packing took longer than expected, and I finally finished packing the S60 at 4:30 with all of my belongings.

I leaned into the trunk as it clicked shut over the overstuffed linens wedged into whatever final crack that could be found.  I brought my numb, cracked hand up to my lips and blew some steam into my fist as I jumped in the car, and fired up the engine.  I pulled out of the driveway that I was illegally blocking (No ticket this time!)... and away from my New York home for the last time.  

Twelve months well spent in the greatest (big) city in the world. (Charlotte is a better place - I am very pleased to be moving back).  That one year was the longest I have gone without moving since I moved away from home when I was 18.  It was the only time and it was the only time I have ever lived in a home by myself.  

It has been real, New York... 

Here is a picture of Talla and me ice skating in Central Park two weeks before the move:

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