Saturday, December 21, 2013

A squared T squared

Notice anything different about the two photos below?

T-squared (Talla's Turtle) and A-squared (Alex's Aligator) took a nod from their Uncle Cam (Colleen's Alligator Mascot) and dressed up for the holidays*.

A little background on Cam. Last year at Christmas we arrived at Alex's mom's house and found a lit up alligator in the front yard. I'll let Alex tell you the story about his pet alligators (that's right - plural!) another time. Over the course of the year Colleen dressed the alligator up for each holiday. 

Colleen learned I like turtles (I was known as Talla Turtle growing up) so that same Christmas we received alligator and turtle yard ornaments for Sheridan. They lived a boring life in our front yard for most of the year. 

They were screaming for a more exciting life so I decided to paint them shiny gold. A quick cleaning and a few coats of high-gloss gold later and we had ourselves fancy yard ornaments.

I don't think these guys will dress up for every holiday, but they seem to be enjoying their Santa hats for now.

*For those of you that noticed the abundant leaves instead of the snazzy Santa hats, here is photographic evidence that the yard was clean for at least an hour. Take a look at all those leaves about to take assault on the yard!

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