Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Our Tree

On the morning of Sunday, December 1st our living room looked like this:

We spend a lot of time in our living room. We love the energy of it. We both agreed our big window was screaming "put the Christmas tree here!" We were nervous about rearranging the room since we loved it the way it was, but a few hours later it looked like this:

The love seat was moved down to the living room and the room was opened up. We like the new arrangement significantly more that we thought we would. We can't quite decide if we just like it because it's a change or if we like it enough to keep it. We do know the new arrangement increases our need for an area rug and some behind-the-couch art. The room is looking too naked. But - we created the perfect spot for the tree!
You'll notice I painted a little "happy holidays" banner on the window in front of the tree. I immediately wanted to re-do the banner and add additional stuff to the tree - it's now a week and a half later (an only a week and a half until Christmas) so I've accepted both as done. It's funny how much more I can enjoy our Christmas decorations once I just accepted their imperfections.

When Alex helped me decorate my tree last year he shared that he didn't really like my ornaments because they weren't personalized. We've now started the popular ornament-a-year tradition. Last year Alex started things off by getting me a mistletoe ornament. This year's ornament is a miniature sweetgrass basket we picked up in Charleston a few weeks ago.

I'm hosting two different holiday gatherings this week. I'm looking forward to sharing our tree with some friends.

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