Sunday, December 1, 2013

Night Stand Reading List

First of all... Wow...  It has been a while since either Talla or I has successfully posted anything on this blog. Back in June, our summer roommate, Tim, was supposed to post something but never did.  @Tim - We are still waiting on that post, man!  Better late than never.  There are 3 posts that I have drafted over the past 4 months that I just need to upload pictures for.  Those will be up before long.

Pictured above are the three books currently sitting on my nightstand.  Two of which I am halfway through, and the third has yet to be started.  As a back story, I have discovered that on the whole it is really nice to live with your significant other.  While all the quality time together has brought Talla and me closer together, it has not been all rainbows and sprinkles.  There are times (like right before she gets her period) when we are each a bit more irritable.  Sometimes Talla and I just don't get through to each other.  I realized, that it might be because women and men are different in many ways, and a common response that might make sense from a man to man doesn't make sense from man to a woman (& Vice Versa).

As such, Talla has recommended that I read this book called Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.  Now any time I enter a crucial conversation, I start with the phrase: "When you do _____, it makes me feel _____."  I think it has helped in some cases.  There is other stuff that I've learned from this book too...

On the bottom of the stack, you see a book with a title called "Assholes finish first" - the other half of the saying: "Nice guys finish last."  It is by Tucker Max, a Duke Law graduate who first got famous from blogging about his ridiculous sexual exploits and drunken tyraids while he was in college.  He compiled his posts into a book, and it was fairly successful.  I never read it.  This is his second book, and it has got to be more ridiculous than the last.  While I do not condone or wish to emulate his behavior in anyway, his memoirs are very entertaining.

I found it in the closet of a house I bought down the street back in September.  After ten pages of 'Mars' one night, I decided I was done with it for the night and picked up 'Assholes'.  It has been my routine the past few nights: 10 pages of 'Mars'; 10 pages of 'Assholes'.

I'm lucky to have someone like Talla who can appreciate the humor in how I complement my bedtime literature.

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