Monday, December 9, 2013


On July 19 Alex surprised me with a dog. Best birthday present ever. We named him Tad. Talla and Alex's dog. Don't worry, you're laughing with us, not at us.

I'd love to show you some pictures that capture Tad's adorableness but he doesn't sit still long enough. I have nearly 100 fuzzy ghost-like shots of him on every camera and camera phone I own - he just won't stop moving!

The rescue organization told us he's about three years old. When strangers comment on how cute our little puppy is we don't correct them - pretending he's a puppy gives us an excuse for his high energy.

In lieu of an actual shot of Tad, here is a felted Tad Alex's mom made for us while she was in town in October.

Alex is the only one that can seem to get Tad to sit still. I guess I would be still if a creature over eight times my size man-handled me.

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